Title: A History Lesson
Part: 9
Series: Family Ties
Terra DeeEarth
Typed:July 22,1999
{well that's when I started it any way}
Rated PG
For Tembo's dirty mouth.
Disclaimer: {I own Sailor Moon!} [Terra! It's not good to lie. Lying is a sin! And if you owned Sailor Moon I would be the Queen of England!] {NOOO Bob is the Queen of England!} [I told you it's not good to lie!] {But she is and Minako is the king of stupid questions!} [I TOLD YOU NOT TO LIE!] {But she is and Carli is the Queen!} [*Tembo pulls her hair back and screams in frustration!*] {Well you can have France!} [*Screams again*] {And since when do I know what's a sin and what's not.} [*Tembo sweatdrops*] {Oh just tell them not to sue us.} [Please please don't anyone sue us. Tay?] {O.k!}

We really need a new disclaimer, so we can shoot this one and put it out of its misery. We'll give you all the credit for it. Please send to: Terra_DeeEarth@hotmail.com

{Hey minna! (people) Tembo gets to be the editor, but you already knew that didn't you}

Special Thanks to:

~all of you the readers (mail us)[PLEASE!]
~as always Tembo 'the man' Foulds for being my editor and Just 'cause [I am not a guy! Just so you know! :) ]

This part of my fic is for my baby sis Kimer (she hates being called that). Yesterday was her 11th birthday

Special Commentary:

~I got notin' pecial to say today!
~now I'm sorry for the wait it was completely and utterly my fault (and now is the time for Tembo to give me that great lying speech!)[FRIG IT ALL I TOLD YOU NOT TO LIE!]{okay it's all Tembo's fault}


~I am going crazy 'cause I haven't had sleep in 7 days or a week I can't remember. He he.
~I went to town with Minako and I ran out of "unmenchionables" for my "Elmo" and we went into the washroom and the "unmenchionable" machine was empty, so we went to the other bathroom and the "unmenchionable" machine was broken! It sucked nuts, it really did!

{If you do not know what an ~ELMO~ or an ~unmentionable~ is write me and I'll tell you. Although you probably don't want to know}

'......' is thinking
"......" is talking {duh}
{......} these are my comments
[......] are Tembo's comments
*......* this is somthing happening
~......~ this is somthing emphasized (caps will also be used)
~*~...~*~ time or scene change


{Okay I basically will have to put everything in later 'cause Tembo has my other disk with the diclaimer and story particulars. I wasn't planning on even typing today, but I'm out of stories to read 'cause I can't go on the net, 'cause Minako is supposed to phone me, which she hasn't done yet. I've just spent the last fifteen minites searching for my red disk with my name, a star, a sun, a moon and a heart on it in black permanent marker, just to realize I lent it to Tembo, who probably has more of my disks than I do! Ok done ranting now here's the story. It takes place right after the last one.}

I luv the cut and paste function!


A few minutes later, after some pushing, pinching and shoving they had all gathered. around Darien's coffee table. {yes Tem coffee}[COFFEE!] Lita, Mina and Raye sharing the couch, Darien in a chair to the right, Luna and Artimis sharing a throw pillow to his right, Serena sitting on the floor leaning on the couch in front of Raye and Amiee on the chair to their left. (If I completely confuse you, write me at Terra_DeeEarth@hotmail.com and tell me you want a picture or a diagram}

They were all a bit stunned from what Serena had said earlier and didn't know how to begin the conversation. Darien was still thinking of his dream {pg 34} and Serena could sense the tension and kept her mouth shut. Amiee was the first to collect enough of her witts to speak.

"Serena what did you mean about having an enemy to fight being the reason for this meeting?" Amiee asked.

"Well, yesterday I was attacked by someone who could do energy attacks and teleport, I think that's the word for it anyway."

There was a chorus of ~what's~.

"It gets worse she knows that Sailor Moon is Serenity."

Another chorus of ~what's~. [WHAT? He he.]

"She said that she was there when Serenity and Endymion were killed by Queen Beryl. She says she is here to take revenge for what my family has done."

"But what could your family have done?" Mina asked.

"If only we could remember more of the Silver Millenium," Luna said, mostly to Artimis.

"Think, Serena," Raye asked," was there anything else?"

"Well, nothing really. Tuxedo Mask showed up and then Sailor Earth saved us."{she's a blonde okay}

"Sailor Earth?" the scouts questioned.

"I don't recall a Sailor Earth, do you Artimis?" Luna asked.

"No, not really, the people of Earth had many legends of warrior people, but I don't recall one about a Sailor Earth," he replied.

Just after Artimis had finished speaking Serena seemed to go into a trance. Speaking in an oddly childlike voice she said... {I'll break this up small so it's easier to read}

"Once upon a time, there was a royal court on the Moon, this court was ruled by Queen Serenity.

There was always a Queen Serenity as far back as Pluto can see and as far in the future as she will let us know. And guarding her were the Sailor Scouts.

Each Sailor Scout was named for the planet she came from, not always but most often on most planets she was their princess.

Now there wasn't always a Sailor Scout from each planet in Serenity's court.

In fact most often the outer planets of Saturn, Neptune and Uranus had little to do with the court. Pluto often refused to fight in the name of the time stream.

The inner planets of Mercury, Venus, Mars and Jupiter sent in a Senshi -nowdays called a Scout- whenever there was one born. On these planets a Senshi was born for almost every Serentiy.

But for some unknown reason it was very rare for the planet Earth to have a Senshi of it's name. It is rarer still for the Earth's Senshi to be one of it's princesses, having only happend three times in known history, it is rarer still for her to be ~crown~ princess.

Unfortuately the planet often had difficulties of its own regarding who really was royalty, so it never really was considered part of the Silver Millenium or one with the other planets, and its rare Senshi not really part of Serenity's court...."

There was silence for a few minites until Lita asked,"Serena, how do you know all that?"

"It was a fairy tale I was told when I was very young. I never really thought about it 'till now."

"Well that is a possible explanation of the girl calling herself Sailor Earth. You know it could also be hoax," Amiee suggested.[BOB?!]

"No, Amiee, for some strange reason I think she's the real deal," Raye said slowly. "I just have this feeling," she added,as if to explain.

"She pledged to protect me, me-Serenity from the bad guy... ummm... Kalindra and she knew Tuxedo Mask was Prince Endymion.

"Serena. Was the enemy, Kalindra, really that strong?" Mina asked.

"What do you mean?" Serena questioned.

"I was wondering if you could have fought her as Sailor Moon not as Serenity..."

"I didn't fight as Serenity."

"Then how did they know you were Serenity?" Raye asked, feeling as if they were going nowhere.

"I don't know, they just knew!" Serena said defensively.

"Calm down, Serena," Amiee said. "We beleive you." She gave Raye an evil glance.[Ahhhhh the EVIL Bob is out to get me! Ahhhhh!]{well if you weren' sooooo MEAN...}

"Darien, you were there too, what is your veiw of all this?" Lita asked, seeminly the only one aware (to his liking) of his presance.

"Me?" he said surprised.

"Yes, after all you are part our team too." Amiee said.

"Well I don't know... A while ago Serena and I were out walking and I had a vision of a girl. There were 3 different times in the vision. But once she was dressed in pink Sailor fuku like Sailor Earth's..."

"You didn't tell me that when you had the vision, " Serena pouted.

"I didn't realize it until after the battle."

"Well, I think we all need time to let all this sink in." Luna said, noticing Darien looked very pale. "Scouts be prepared to fight at a moment's notice, I'll notify all of you when the next meeting is."

After the usuall commotion they were all out the door and on their way, Amiee and Luna were the only ones who would brave the elevator. [I went into town with Minako and refused to go on the elevator with her Terra!]{BIG BABY}

"Amiee, did you notice how pale Darien was?" Luna asked.

"Yes, I did. He looked like he was about to faint," she answered.

"Would you mind going back up to his apartment and finding out what's wrong?"

"Luna, I really don't think we should intrude into his affairs like that."

"I don't want to either, but I'm worried about him, with his guardian passed on, and all."

"What? His gaurdian?"

"Yes, the Earth family had a guardian in the form of a dog. I don't remember his name, but Artimis and he were very good friends." {no homo Tembo}[Gooooooood friends eh? He he.]{they are NOTHING like your sister}

"I thought you had your paws full with Serena, Lita, Raye and I, and helping Artimis with Mina."

"You, Lita and Raye are no problem. The only trouble with you three is when Lita gets rowdy, Raye provokes Serena, and the occasional time when none of the others can understand what you've said. All rectified easily enough. Artimis and Mina will have to learn to keep each other out of trouble sometime and Serena is so much better when Darien's around."

"Allright, I'll go." Amiee gave in.

"Amiee, one more thing."


"Give him this." *Luna does one of her magical lil' flips*

"What is it?"

"It's a communicator, tell him it's just in case he wants to get more involved in scout business."

"Okay, when I'm finished up here, I'll go home and compile the data on the new enemy."

So Luna went to wait for Serena at the stairwell and Amiee went back upstairs to check on Darien.


{I'm really bored so I think I'll make this chapter a bit longer than ususal}


*knock knock*

'I wonder who it is now?'Darien thought.

"Hi, Darien may I come in?" Amiee asked.

"Sure, Amiee. Did you forget something?"

"No, but you did."


"Well you're pale as a goast, and you've obviously got something you need to talk about, and you haven't."

{pg 40 yay although written i've got to pg 70...}[Gak!]

"How can you tell?" Darien asked, slumping back into a chair.

"Darien, I'm training to be a doctor. Good doctors pick up on these things. Besides Luna sent me up here to check and make sure you're physically fine."

'Why would Luna care? She's not ~my~ guardian, I don't have a one... but I did? What?'

"Darien, Darien?" Amiee said waving her hand in front of his face.

"Oh... Sorry.. What?" he stammered.

"Do you mind if I run a check on you with my computer?"

"N-no go ahead."

Amiee's computer *beeped* happily for a few minites.

"Well...?" Darien inquired.

"Physically... your health is near perfect... but mentally... I don't know." [Ha ha Darien you nut! She's making fun of you!]

"What do you mean?"

"I mean your being so pale and more quiet than usual is probably a result of inner turmoil and the fact you won't share it with anyone."

"It's just not somthing I can talk to Serena about and it may be too close to ~Sailor~ business to tell Andrew or Rhea."

"Well, I'm here. Why don't you try to tell me about it."

'Well, Dare you'll burst if you don't tell someone!' he told himself, 'you can trust Amiee with your secrets, if you can trust her with Serena's life.'

"Ummmm... Well.... Last night I had this weird dream, I'm about four maybe five years old..." He recounted the dream to Amiee. "She and I, we looked a lot alike, we even had the same hair cut, she calls me Darien, even though it was before.... How many six or seven-year-olds have pocket knives? I feel like that rose garden is a part of me... my past."

"I see." Amiee said.

"The thing is the girl in my dream is the same girl in the vision I had. And Serena gets so scared when I have strange dreams."

"I think what happened in the dream might have been something that happened when you were little, that you forgot about and that you are now getting confused with something that happend in the Silver Millenium."

"You say it as though it makes perfect sense," he said.

"It does, before I leave, Luna also asked me to give you this." She handed him a small black, computer that looked like a regular pocket oraganizer.

"What is it?" he asked, as he turned it over in his hands.

"A communicator, we all have one, Luna says just in case, and that you're always welcome at scout meetings also."

"Thanks........... Ames,"he said, using the nickname the scouts had given her, as she headed towards the door, "for everything."


{Well that's it for now. I hope you liked it even thought it was very slow moving this time, but I have to do the explaining sometime and having a scout meeting seemed the best way. My e-mail is:Terra_DeeEarth@hotmail.com, and here's and example of things to send me: 'Terra, I luv your story'(yeah I know I'm dreaming), 'Terra, your story sucks nuts' (I won't take offense) 'Terra, here is all the information I have about the outer scouts and the starlights' (I wish), Terra, what do you mean by *insert 'rest of the question here*? ( I will answer any question you care to ask), 'Terra, I think you should include *insert suggestion here* in your story'(I would probably luv ya forever if it gets me out of a writer's block), Or just maybe, 'Terra, I wrote you a new disclaimer:*insert disclaimer here*' (I'd give you full credit for it) Okay we don't want my notes to be as long as my story so mail me. and I'm outie, Terra}

[NO SLEEP MAKE TEMBO GO CRAZY! NO SLEEP MAKE TEMBO GO CRAZY! nO slEEp mAkE tEmbO gO crAzy! No SLeeP MaKe TeMBo Go CRaZY! NO SLEEP MAKE TEMBO GO CRAZY! AND I HAVEN'T HAD COFFEE EITHER! I'm sooooooo sorry I'm been having problems controlling my mood swings the past week. Well i should stop boring you now. E-mail me at Tembo_rules@hotmail.com Send things like Terra said above. I should really get some sleep but I gotta finish editing. IT'S 11:45 and I think I'll go and edit the rest now, bye luv Tembo "The girl who thinks no man is man enough to be the man" Foulds. He he.]

[No freak'in "unmenchionables" mumble mumble mumble.]

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