The Bob: Part 2

	So I�m back!  Where did I leave off?  Oh yes.  Tembo and Nizzie 
had just seen something incredible!  But they don�t know what to make of 
it.  Did someone skin Bob?  Was she playing a trick on them?  What 
colour was Jim�s red truck?  Who knows?  Hmmm.  Let me see now, who 
knows?  Oh, I do!  I�ll tell you, but I�m only saying this once so shut 
up and listen good.

  	Tembo and Nizzie were feeling quite scared and really didn�t want 
to see Bob at all!  I can see why too.  They�re always paranoid that 
something�s out to get them, ghosts, gools, leprechauns, and now Bob.  
Since they always use to hang out together, it was going to be difficult 
to avoid Bob.  So they decided to build a fort, somewhere where Bob 
would never think of looking.  Somewhere where they could hide from Bob.  
It�s not like they were scared or anything, they just didn�t feel like 
seeing her, that�s all, so quit nagging them!  What would you do in a 
situation like this?  Huh smartie pants? What?  Come on, tell me.  
That�s what I thought.  So there!

	Anyway, Tembo and Nizzie went all through the bush, searching for 
the perfect spot to build their hide-away, and finally they found the 
perfect spot.  It was an old, dried up pond.  A hole that was as big as 
an average room.  It was grown in with grass, so it wasn�t mucky, and it 
wasn�t that steep to get into, even though it was about eight feet deep 
in the middle.  To make a hole into a home, the recipe is: Swipe some 
boards from where ever you can.  Nails gotta have nails. Hinges,Hammer 
of course Saw and some nice things to put inside to make it 
livable/nice.  Just because it�s a hideout doesn�t mean that it has to 
be icky inside.

     First, make a frame that will fit over the hole and have the door 
in the middle.  Next lay the frame over the hole and attach to ground or 
make it so that it won�t move.  Now attach the boards to the frame.  
(With nails) (Cum on now lets not be silly!)   Make the door with boards 
NAILS!  USE THE HINGES! USE THE HINGES!!!  Now this is where you 
disguise the fort/hide-away so that is Bob was to come across it, she 
wouldn�t see it.  Glue on some leaves and stuff to make it look like the 
ground.  As for the hollow noise it will make if someone was to walk 
over it, Bob probably wouldn�t notice.  Now that was so secret that I 
couldn�t even mention it in the recipe.  Oops, I probably shouldn�t have 
said that either.  Oh well, you won�t tell, will you?  Don�t make me 
beat you (not in a sick way, in a painful way, just kidding) now comes 
in the last and possibly the most important thing, the nice stuff.  A 
rug, books, CD player, and other entertaining or comfy stuff.  Be quiet, 
were not savages (or boys), we need that stuff.  Don�t make me get up 
cuz then you�ll be sorry.  Yeah I�m talken to you.  Well never you mind.  

	Well it worked.  Tembo and Nizzie avoided Bob all summer in their 
little fort thingy.  Bob never even came close to it.  But after a while 
they started to feel guilty for ditching Bob all summer.  Even though 
she never mentioned that night.  Tembo and Nizzie thought that if it was 
a trick that was played on them, that Bob would have said something.  
But she hardly even tried to make contact with them.  It was like they 
were being avoided too.  Pretty suspicious if you ask me.

  	Well when school did start (boo) Tembo and Nizzie decided to talk 
to Bob because there was no avoiding her since they all ate at the back 
doors.  Now to eat at the back doors was such a privilege since you have
a beautiful view of the mountain.  Everyone loved the mountain because 
the mountain was actually a barrier.  Yes a barrier.  Behind it is the 
valley of the Evil.  All the evil sorcerers, goblins, leprechauns, etc. 
live in the valley of the Evil.  Actually they don�t live there, that�s 
where they are put when they are caught, like a jail.  And they can�t use 
their magic to get out because there is a layer of holy water in the 
mountain, and everybody knows that evil cannot penetrate holy water.  
Don�t ask me why, that�s what always happens in the movies.  Anyway 
that�s why eating at the doors is cool.  

	So when they started talking to Bob, She sounded the same, shy, 
never swearing, etc.  She asked where they were all summer.  Tembo and 
Nizzie used their perfected lying skills and said that they went to 
Alberta with the cadets.  The lie worked as usual.  Bob bought the 
story.  Even though there was that little bit of suspicion and fear in 
the back of their minds, Tembo and Nizzie trusted Bob again.  The night 
was never mentioned.  Probably because nobody could deal with the truth.  
I told you the truth was out there some where.  But there�s still a lot 
of looking to do before we find it.  And you didn�t believe me. Well I 
am right. So there.  

	One day, Nizzie and Tembo were walking to the doors to eat lunch, 
when they saw Bob was already there.  But she was out side.  Nobody else 
was there yet either.  They didn�t think much of it.  But when they got 
there and asked Bob what it was that she was doing outside, she turned 
around, looked at the girls, and Bob�s eyes turned bright glowing red.  
She smiled an evil smile at them with very pointy teeth.  Nizzie dropped 
her books, but both were too scared to move.  Then Bob reached both 
hands to the back of her head and ripped the skin off. Slowly the skin 
came off to reveal a slime-covered demon.  She was the thing that Tembo 
and Nizzie saw on that night.  Then the slime ball formerly known as Bob 
turned around walked outside and started doing something.  She was 
taking away the mountain.  That�s what she was working on when Tembo and 
Nizzie discovered her/it, the spell to deteriorate the holy water in the 
mountain.  And it was working.  The mountain was disappearing.  

	What would they do?  They were powerless to stop it.  All they 
could do was stand there and watch it.  Bob was about to unleash all 
evil into the world.  Talk about world domination.  What could they do?  
If it found the spell to disintegrate holy water, what could stop it?  
And for heavens sakes, what is the colour of Jim�s red truck?  For the 
answers to these and more questions, read the next paragraph.  And I do 
mean all of it.  Because there will be a test at the end so you better 
read it. 

	It looked like doom for the world.  Oh pooies.  Tembo and Nizzie 
couldn�t do anything to stop it.  The mountain was starting to 
disappear.  Oh goodness gracious!  The mountain was almost gone now, but 
what could they do?  It had seemed like all hope was gone when 
suddenly�. Oh remember Jim�s red truck?  The colour of it was purple by 
the way.  Oh yeah, the story.  Let me retrace.  OK I�ll start where I 
left off, when suddenly BANG the doors fly open and it�s, it�s The Good 
Fairy Kayla.  Stop! She said.  Bob whipped around and her jaw dropped, 
and as she stood there in shock, The Good Fairy Kayla refilled the 
mountain with holy water and restored it to its full, evil containing 
state.  Then Bob turned and ran�..Right into Tembo and Nizzie.  Tembo 
and Nizzie tackled the evil Bob, which wasn�t hard for them because they 
play tackle, games all the time.  So the two girls sat atop the evil 
villain until The Good Fairy Kayla could finish fixing the mountain.  
When Kayla was done, she took the evil Bob and put her/it into the 
mountain containment.  But wait, Bob knew the spell to get out.  Still, 
escape was impossible because Kayla sprinkled some of her �kindness� 
fairy dust into the holy water.  After Kayla put the evil Bob in the 
valley of evil, she went to thank Tembo and Nizzie.  And for a reward 
for helping capture the evil Bob, Kayla gave Nizzie and Tembo each three 
bags of sugar filled candy.  I feel a hyper streak coming on.

	So here end the tale of the evil Bob, or dose it.  This story was 
a true one.  Nope, fooled you.  This story was the half-truth.  The half 
about the evil Bob was true.  As for the half about her being captured, 
no.  Bob was never captured and after this story was written, she was 
never seen again.  There are urban legends about Bob.  But are they 
true?  Could be.  I guess Bob could be anywhere.  Even walking amongst 
us.  OOOOOHHH.  Spooky.  But there is only one truth.  See there is that 
darn truth again, I told you it would come around.  Except only one 
person who knows it.  Me.  And I don�t feel like typing anymore.  So I 
guess you�ll just have to watch your back, cuz the evil Bob could be 
lurking anywhere.  

                              The end 			
	(Yeah right, this is only the beginning.)

By: V.

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