there is a set of stories here somewhere!
Bio: Introducing Virgo Victoria!
Virgo's stats!
height -> tall
hair -> red
eyes -> blue
weight -> less than a toothpick
mental stability leval -> almost as low as tembo and terra's (we're talkin
major negative numbers here
Tembo says: she's sillee
Minako says: neh! {they don't get along all that well}
McFay says: makes the linear mind confused.
Superstar says: she lies about telling the truth
BoB: she's a nutcase
g-woman: she's stupid {they spend way tooo much time together}
terra: she's crazier than a spin bug.
{and that's all till tembo finds out I did some work and she sends me her stuff}
{well that's all for now! I have to ask her if she want's her email posted or not so if you want to praise her or whatever, just send a email to [email protected] and we'll forward it to for now.} Back to The Index Page